The Nine YTheyJoin Categories
Mailboxers: primarily want
involvement through the mail, computer, or hand-helds.
Relevant Participants: attend
conventions, seminars if relevant.
Shapers: most active and want
to shape association policy.
CompShoppers: compare the
association to other organizations or info/benefits.
Cognoscenti: want the
association to add to their fund of knowledge.
Boosters: the association
improves their image.
Altruistics: share the values
of the association and have interest in advocacy.
Doubters: tend to resist
change and new initiatives.
Non-Relevants: status has
changed and association may not be relevant
The Process
The process is very simple. Every
member fills out a brief form and, based on their
answers, a 3-digit code is written at the top of each
form. Then the association enters the codes into its
member database. The form can be a dedicated mailing,
part of your member application or welcome-aboard
packet, in your magazine or newsletter, on your Web
site, etc.
The code that each member receives
tells their primary marketing category, strength of
that category, and secondary marketing category. For
example, John Smith may be a "267" which
means "Relevant Participant-60
Points-Altruistic." With this info in your
database you can target market to spend money more
efficiently, improve member services, increase
retention, and create opportunities for the
association. For example:
We also provide the Allegiance
Workbook that has extensive marketing ideas, the YTheyJoin
Pie Chart that shows which categories dominate
your association, and a Summary of Implications.
Why it is Different
YTheyJoin knows that members have
varying needs and expectations. They attend meetings,
buy products, read articles, become volunteer leaders,
and mobilize for action at varying rates. YTheyJoin is
different than any other programs you may use because:
Read the Book!
For those desiring more information
about how YTheyJoin (formerly called Allegiance) was
developed please see the book by Dr. Dale Paulson. It
is called Allegiance: Fulfilling the Promise of
One-to-One Marketing for Associations and
the book is available at

Contact Us
Dale Paulson is the inventor and
sole provider of YTheyJoin (formerly called
Dale Paulson, Ph.D.
Allegiance Research Group
3213 Duke Street, #803
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone 703-772-5263